Monday, November 16, 2009

Will my loose skin tighten back up after weight loss?

Hello, i'm 20 years old and recently lost 70 pounds and i have some loose skin around problem areas such as my stomach. After time will the skin tighten back up with continued exercise? Also how much weight loss is too much for the skin's elasticity to overcome for others who are wanting to lose weight? I've heard that it has to be like over 200 pounds or so before the body cannot overcome the stretch difference.. thanks!

Will my loose skin tighten back up after weight loss?
Hi! Hopefully I understood your question correctly- you have already lost 70lbs? Congrats on that. I recently lost 40 and know the hard work involved.

The answer to your question is that it totally depends on the individual person. There is no one answer for everyone because we're all different with differing levels of elasticity. Ever notice how some ladies get wicked stretch marks during pregnancy and others don't? Personal genes are to thank (or hate!) and I hate to tell you this, but if you have hanging skin that is stretched out, I don't see how it's going to regain it's elasticity with time.

I have seen people lose 200 lbs (did you watch the biggest loser?) and their skin springs back without having to get a tummy tuck, and I've seen people lose 40 lbs and have stretched skin (namely, me). Age probably plays a role, so you maybe okay. I'd use a good cocoa butter cream on your problem skin. Keep it moisturized and drink tons of water. Neither can hurt, right?

In any event, do NOT give up on your weight loss goals. Loose skin is still better than being fat and if someday you absolutely decide you can't deal, then you can look into cosmetic correction for the problem.

Good luck, and again, congratulations on the loss.

paper bush

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