Friday, November 20, 2009

I have alot of loose skin on my stomach?

no i didnt have a child im13

wen i pull back my loose skin im really skinny

im still skinny with it there but i want to be as skinny if i didnt have it

and i keep on trying to loose weight but it goes to my back or to my arms

what should i do!!!!!!!!!!!?????????

I have alot of loose skin on my stomach?
Don't try to lose weight. Extra skin doesn't go away by losing weight. Do crunches everyday. It'll tighten up your stomach.
Reply:I have that too.

It's just extra skin. Like when you bend over, it's gone..when you bend backwards it's gone.

Your fine.

Don't go anorexic over it.
Reply:get a professional help instead of making predictions about ur body.
Reply:It's just part of being human. None of us are perfect (what a cliche, huh?) I wouldnt worry about it. You're 13, still growing. It may (or may not) go away. That's just life.
Reply:I used to have that. Don't worry, it will go away as you grow. It's basically just caused by your skin growing faster than the rest of you. So it will 'fill out' by the time you're fully grown. And losing weight will only make it worse - if anything, putting on tiny bit could help.

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