Friday, November 20, 2009

Has anyone had success with loosing loose belly skin after weight loss/pregnancy?

I am 22. I am 5'7" and will probably weigh 270 after I have my little girl in 5 weeks. I have a 15 month old as well and I gained 70 lbs with her and 40 with this stomach already hangs down quite a bit at the bottom and I am 35 weeks pregnant. I want to lose the weight(100-120lbs) after baby, but I was wondering if surgery is my only answer to get rid of loose skin after the weight loss. Has anyone lost the skin or most of it?...I am only 22 I dont want my stomach to hang way low. :( Please help me.

Has anyone had success with loosing loose belly skin after weight loss/pregnancy?
The best and easiest way is to join a fitness challenge...extra movitvation.

The Xooma Challenge is a good one: (great supplements!)

or Body for Life:
Reply:I have two 15.5 months apart; my second is now 5 months old. I have lost the majority of it, but also saw a physical therapist. The biggest culprit of the "belly sag" is the transverse muscles which lose their muscle memory. You may need to hire a personal trainer to re-establish those muscle groups, I had to see a physical therapist for 10 weeks who helped me. Six months later, I have only an inch or so left that is hanging - I'll wait another six months before I even worry about it at all - I'm too busy with my boys to care!

So yes, exercise will help a lot! But I only weighed 170 when done (gained 55 pounds with my second, I'm 5'4")

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