Saturday, April 24, 2010

What can I do for loose skin and wrinkles under eye, and face?

What can I do for loose skin and wrinkles under eye, and face?

What can I do for loose skin and wrinkles under eye, and face?
There are a few things you can do... Try to eat healthy and use lots of sunscreen, and GOOD RICH LOTION!... Exfoliate your face atleast once a week with a fine exfoliate... (baking soda works well, mixed with a lotion) don't SCRUB... just rub fingers across skin... After this, use a lotion with a SPF of atleat 15..

Also, rubbing vasaline around eyes before you go to bed.

Hope this helps.. =)
Reply:your question is not quite clear, however if you are looking for a makeup tips then -

Close set eyes: Apply eye shadow to the upper eyelids blending the shadow upwards and outwards towards the outer corner of the eye continue to blend until the shadow is considerably fainter in the area of the nose and the eye and some what darker at the outer corner. Then, with the help of brow pencil draw a line away from the inner corner of the eye and extend the line beyond the outer corner. Blend the line so that like the shadow it is faint at the inner corners and darker at the outer corners. Increase the distance between the eyebrows by tweezing, to make them appear wider apart.

Deep-set eyes: Use a lighter foundation color immediately above the socket area of the upper eyelids and blend with the foundation color. Do not use eye shadow as the sunken effect will increase instead of decreasing.

Drooping: They can be given a lift by tilting the eyeline upwards and outwards before it reaches the outer corner of the upper lip. The shadow should be winged upwards avoiding the area at the outer corner of the eyes.

Round eyes: Make them appear larger by extending eye shadow beyond the outer corner of the eyes.

Bulging eyes: Use a dark shadow and blend it carefully over the prominent part of the upper lids carrying it lightly to the line of the brows.

Small eyes: They can look larger by using two kinds of

Shadow. Use the brown shadow on the lip creases after applying beige to the lids.

Sagging under eye tissues: Rub a very thin coating of

Unbeaten egg white into the area with your fingertips. Allow it to dry and then apply makeup foundation very carefully over it. The lined areas directly under the eyes are temporarily smoothed by the drying effects of the egg white. But be sure to use oil afterwards on this area, after you have removed the egg white because egg white has a drying effect on the skin. I should warn you this coat will only last for 3 hours.

more tips on http://www.flightattendanttrainingonline...
Reply:Be gentle with your skin and it will go a long way in keeping it smooth and supple. Gently massage the face with glycerin-honey mixture. Dip a cotton pad in unbeaten egg white, and smooth it across wrinkles. Leave it on for an hour and remove it with a cotton dipped in ice-cold water. Check out for more useful info.
Reply:Wrinkles causes not only because of age and also due to dry skin. Home remedies are inexpensive and do not have any side effects. More information available at:

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